Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter one

How many of you have at least 20 different characters in your head that you could write about if you wanted?? I do! I get my ideas from LOOONG grocery store lines, observing people at the mall, my own life (would you believe?) and other such places. I am dedicating this blog to you! The writer that is currently in need of support of getting their work out there! I currently do not have ALL the answers by a long shot but I know where to look for them. I am also going to be putting some google ads up around my blog that might help you in the writing process. I am only here to help you.
Where do I begin? I started writing in high school where I enrolled in a creative writing class. I love to write poetry,novels (I currently have one entire novel I wrote, and another one I am in the process of creating) and writing in general I LOVE! Sometimes especially when I blog lately, it has helped me express some of my ideas and frustrations regarding writing. THERE ARE MANY! Right now I am very much looking forward to a LDS writer's conference in April at the Provo Marriot. I'll give you more details about that later if you are interested. Currently my main focus is romance. And since I am LDS (I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I like to write LDS romance novels.
I love to read Rachel Nunes and Anita Stanfield! They are currently my most favorite LDS authors!
Thanks again for dropping by to take a look at the Writer's Block! I'll be back again in a few days.