Thursday, October 22, 2009

I know I am a BIG slacker for keeping up with this blog.....

If YOU really are interested in the likes of me AND my writing you should probably follow me at ONe CLuttered BRain!!
I am going to try and update this blog alittle better in the future. Here are my writing projects. First I want to tell you that I joined a writing group! YEAH!
Don Carey mentioned he just joined one and I asked him if I could join his and he gave me the email and I asked. I'm in. Now I am going to really have to be accountable for my writing.
Next I am working on a couple of stories. I have a middle grade fiction I am working on and a romance fiction. And just recently I decided to write an essay on what Motherhood means to me.
Other than that, I've been busy with the normal things. Cleaning of house, checking of email, and WRITING of course! (Just NOT writing on here...)

Thanks to all of you who still follow me. Like I said if you really want updates join me in cluttered brain. This managing of two blogs is a bit new for me. Gotta wrap my hands around it more...LOL!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LDS storymakers/ My Writing Goal

I'm baaaack! I doubt anyone is reading this but if you write it they will come. Hopefully. I attended LDStorymaker's conference over the weekend. IT was wonderful. I am making new connections all the time. I am excited! This is my writing goal. I want to be published within 5 years. My husband says I should move it up but I'm leaving it to 5 years. I can do this. I have the help of all of you. I have another blog--It's my family blog if you want to check it out. It's called Covington Sensation's.For my Other blog--CLICK HERE! I know the title is a little strange. I have NO idea where I came up with it. And since I have checked out all of the author's I know I have found that writer's block is a pretty popular title for a blog. I promise you I didn't copy. Maybe I'll come up with another name. I'll see what I can come up with. But for now, you'll have to live with writer's block.
I am currently trying my hand at writing a middle grade/ young adult novel. I still write romance but I would like to expound on my writing a bit. Let's see what I have up there in that old noggin of mine.
Thank you again LDStorymaker's for motivating me to actually write.
Happy Writing to you all! May you not drown in Bloggerland like I did this morning. It is easy to do when everybody writes so well! It is a privilege to read you all. If anybody wants reviews for anything--I'm your girl. Leave a comment and I will gladly drive traffic to your blog and mine!
Until next time!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Little Hiatus from writing!

My writing has recently taken a hit due to some new additions in our family. No, not children, kittens! Our cat that adopted "us" (Stray cat that we started feeding then found out was pregnant) had kittens on March 1, 2009. She is such a good mama!
I am currently working on a chapter. I have it started so if anyone is reading this and would like a sneak peek I would be happy to email it to you. No fair publishing it in your name. That's just not fair. I'll need a few essentials before I give you my work of course, name, address bank card number...(The last one I was only kidding.)
Anyway I write mostly romance. Ahh yes. I am at last a romantic at heart.
I'll probably write more next week when my mind isn't so involved with kittens. I currently am making a kitten playpen for them.
The Joys of kitten adoption. AHHH. I am so content right now. I hadn't realized how much I missed having a pet in my house. You see I grew up with a cat and a dog. My husband and I have been married. it will be 12 years in August--no pets. But we have one now! Hopefully she is here to stay for a little while.
Ta Ta for now writing folks!
Now get out there and WRITE! (Just a few pictures of Fuzz and her kittens--Notice the one on her shoulder?)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter one

How many of you have at least 20 different characters in your head that you could write about if you wanted?? I do! I get my ideas from LOOONG grocery store lines, observing people at the mall, my own life (would you believe?) and other such places. I am dedicating this blog to you! The writer that is currently in need of support of getting their work out there! I currently do not have ALL the answers by a long shot but I know where to look for them. I am also going to be putting some google ads up around my blog that might help you in the writing process. I am only here to help you.
Where do I begin? I started writing in high school where I enrolled in a creative writing class. I love to write poetry,novels (I currently have one entire novel I wrote, and another one I am in the process of creating) and writing in general I LOVE! Sometimes especially when I blog lately, it has helped me express some of my ideas and frustrations regarding writing. THERE ARE MANY! Right now I am very much looking forward to a LDS writer's conference in April at the Provo Marriot. I'll give you more details about that later if you are interested. Currently my main focus is romance. And since I am LDS (I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I like to write LDS romance novels.
I love to read Rachel Nunes and Anita Stanfield! They are currently my most favorite LDS authors!
Thanks again for dropping by to take a look at the Writer's Block! I'll be back again in a few days.